Short sleepers at higher risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease
Sep 07 10


Study finds an increased risk of death in men with insomnia and a short sleep duration
Sep 01 10


Less is more: Study shows that teens who sleep less eat more fatty foods and snacks
Sep 01 10


Brain Responds Same to Acute and Chronic Sleep Loss
Aug 10 10


Brain rhythm predicts ability to sleep through a noisy night
Aug 09 10


Our children aren’t sleeping and we’re medicating them
Jul 26 10


Searching for a Good Night’s Sleep
Jul 20 10


New study suggests tart cherry juice can be a natural solution for insomnia
Jul 12 10


Pain, dry mouth may play role in sleep quality of head and neck cancer patients
Jul 12 10


Sleep quality of soldiers with migraine is poor
Jun 23 10


New link between pollution, temperature and sleep-disordered breathing
Jun 14 10


Study Links Sleep Apnea in Children and Teens to Lower Academic Grades
Jun 08 10


More Adults Report Excessive Sleepiness in the U.S. than in Europe
Jun 08 10


Planes, trains and automobiles: Traffic noise disturbs sleep, affects morning performance
Jun 08 10


Sleep problems are common in US soldiers returning from wartime deployment
Jun 08 10


Brain Injuries Tied to Trouble Sleeping
May 25 10


Glucose intolerance and gestational diabetes risk in relation to sleep duration and snoring during pregnancy: a pilot study
May 15 10


Less sleep may add up to more pounds in adolescents
May 04 10


Shiftwork Linked to Sleep Problems—Especially in Younger Workers
Apr 22 10


Study Shows Benefits of Treating Sleep Apnea in Truck Drivers
Apr 22 10


Study Finds that Playing a Video Game Before Bedtime Has Only a Mild Effect on Adolescent Sleep
Apr 15 10


Study Finds that the Association Between Sleep Disturbances and Reduced Quality of Life Varies by Race
Apr 15 10


To sleep or not to sleep? Math software to help plan astronaut, shift worker schedules
Apr 14 10


Good Night’s Sleep Keeps Obesity Away
Apr 14 10


Sleep apnea linked to hard-to-diagnose eye disorders
Apr 01 10


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