Steroid use predicts sleep problem in asthmatics
Jun 24 09


Older men with breathing problems during sleep more likely to have irregular heartbeats
Jun 23 09


Sleep disorders tied to mortality risk
Jun 15 09


Sleep may be important in regulating emotional responses
Jun 12 09


Too much entertainment reduces sleep time
Jun 12 09


Stable marriage is linked with better sleep in women
Jun 10 09


Link found between poor sleep quality and increased risk of death
Jun 10 09


Less than half of older Americans get the recommended 8 hours of nightly sleep
Jun 10 09


Television watching before bedtime can lead to sleep debt
Jun 08 09


Study finds regular daily exercise does not increase total sleep time
Jun 08 09


Sleep restriction results in weight gain despite decreases in appetite and consumption
Jun 08 09


Insomnia with objective short sleep duration in men is associated with increased mortality
Jun 08 09


Less Sleep Associated With High, Worsening Blood Pressure in Midlife
Jun 08 09


Creative Problem Solving Enhanced by REM Sleep
Jun 08 09


Internet program helps some sleep better
Jun 04 09


Bedtime routines improve kids’ sleep habits
May 07 09


Sleeping and eating - who does it best?
May 05 09


Institution of a bedtime routine improves sleep in infants and toddlers, maternal mood
May 01 09


New Treatment Discovered for Restless Legs Syndrome Improves Sleep
Apr 30 09


Melatonin helps autistic children get to sleep
Apr 21 09


New way to analyze sleep disorders
Apr 15 09


Insomnia may alter “hunger hormone”
Apr 01 09


Sleep problems common in children with ADHD
Mar 27 09


Bad News for Insomniacs: ‘Hunger Hormones’ Affected by Poor Sleep
Mar 26 09


Are You Getting Enough Sleep? Why Women Struggle with Sleep Problems
Mar 18 09


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