Students often unwilling to alter sleep habits
Mar 12 09


Researchers find link between sleep loss, high blood pressure in women
Mar 12 09


Insomnia Often Appears to Be a Persistent Condition
Mar 10 09


One-third of Americans lose sleep over economy
Mar 02 09


Stages of sleep have distinct influence on process of learning and memory
Feb 25 09


NC State study finds genes important to sleep
Feb 23 09


Video imaging provides dynamic view of airway obstruction in those with sleep breathing disorder
Feb 17 09


Study Shows Why Sleep is Needed to Form Memories
Feb 12 09


Life dissatisfaction may stem from bad sleep
Feb 09 09


Spring Forward without Losing Sleep
Feb 09 09


Small Device Helps Sleep Apnea Sufferers in a Big Way
Feb 03 09


Study suggests that inflammation may be the link between extreme sleep durations and poor health
Feb 02 09


Mild sleep disruption interferes with memory
Jan 19 09


When it comes to sleep research, fruit flies and people make unlikely bedfellows
Jan 13 09


Study shows that the societal, economic burden of insomnia is high
Jan 03 09


Sleep Disorder May Be Early Sign of Dementia or Parkinson’s Disease
Dec 25 08


Skipping Sleep May Signal Problems for Coronary Arteries
Dec 24 08


Sleep duration—cardiac death link seen in study
Dec 21 08


Study shows an independent relationship between the intensity of snoring sounds and sleepiness
Dec 15 08


Medical Residents Need More Sleep and Training to Prevent Errors
Dec 10 08


Treating Sleep Apnea in Alzheimer’s Patients Helps Cognition
Dec 04 08


Study shows how shift workers can improve job performance and implement a realistic sleep schedule
Dec 01 08


New research sheds light on fly sleep circuit
Nov 27 08


Study links primary insomnia to a neurochemical abnormality in young and middle-aged adults
Nov 03 08


Americans losing sleep over financial crisis
Oct 28 08


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