Poor sleep associated with cognitive decline in elderly women
Jul 16 07


Many insomniacs turn to valerian and melatonin to help them sleep
Jul 03 07


Narcoleptics have a high frequency of REM sleep without atonia
Jul 03 07


Chronically sleep deprived? You can’t make up for lost sleep
Jul 02 07


Guided imagery therapy can help insomniacs
Jun 16 07


Students with medical-related majors more likely to have poor quality sleep
Jun 13 07


Extra sleep improves athletes’ performance
Jun 13 07


Sleep disorders highly prevalent among police officers
Jun 12 07


Sleep deprivation affects eye-steering coordination when driving
Jun 11 07


Night shift nurses more likely to have poor sleep habits
Jun 11 07


Children with sleep disorder symptoms are more likely to have trouble academically
Jun 11 07


Sleep problems may affect a person’s diet
Jun 11 07


Sleep Slide-Rule improves children’s understanding of the importance of sleep
Jun 11 07


Low libido in menopause linked to trouble sleeping
Jun 06 07


Sleep Problems: It’s nothing to do with the menopause
May 28 07


The Clinical Neuroscience of Sleep and Insomnia
May 24 07


Sleep Apnea Increases Risk of Heart Attack or Death by 30%
May 22 07


Sleep Apnea May Increase Risk of Diabetes
May 21 07


Mars experiment might help Earthling insomniacs
May 15 07


Link Between Parkinson’s and Narcolepsy
May 14 07


Sleep-weight link depends on how sleep is defined
May 09 07


New ‘sleep machine’ could signal the end of insomnia
May 02 07


Study puts us one step closer to understanding the function of sleep
Apr 30 07


Sleep Strengthens Your Memory
Apr 24 07


Even moderate drinking raises sleep apnea risk
Apr 20 07


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